The 'Meet the industry' event will take place on the second day of the conference (Thursday 3rd of November),
The session will be kicked off by an introduction by Pieter Mathys (Innovation manager Offshore Energy at Ghent University - EnerGhentIC) with a market overview. Afterwards, the room is given to two top companies of the wind energy sector: DEME and ZF. They will introduce their businesses, share their view on the coming years and how they evaluate the role of research to reach their goals.
The presentations will be followed by a networking lunch, where you will have the opportunities to talk to industrial representatives of our different sponsors.
The group posters (that represent the work of a research team or laboratory) will also be showcased during the “Meet the industry” event. This will be a unique occasion to present your group's expertise for an international audience of peers and industrial experts!
Don’t miss this unique moment to meet and network with industry representatives, so pack up those business cards !
11.00 AM Market overview by Pieter Mathys
11.15 AM DEME
11.45 AM ZF
12.00 PM Networking lunch & group poster session